Are we stuck in a hopeless stalemate on abortion? If often looks that way, as ratings-driven media coverage highlights extreme views and creates the illusion that we. But Charles Camosy argues that our polarized public discourse hides the fact that most Americans actually agree on the major issues at stake in abortion morality and law.
In articles, media appearances, and his new book, Beyond the Abortion Wars, Camosy rises above the typical polarizations — pro-life vs. pro-choice, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican — pushing for more fruitful dialogue and a new public policy that is consistent with the beliefs of the broad majority of Americans and supported by the best ideas and arguments about abortion from both secular and religious sources.
Rethinking the Abortion Debate
Camosy's experience in abortion issues and public policy:
Founder of organizing committee for Princeton coference dedicated to "finding new ways to think and speak about abortion"
On Faith | Oct. 20, 2010
Religious pro-life voices in the public debate are often marginalized.
First, the arguments they make are often simplistic and refuse to engage serious responses from their opponents. Second, secularists simply rule them out of bounds because ‘religion’ has no place in the debate. Third, they often marginalize themselves with their caustic and off-putting rhetoric. (More)
ABC Religion and Ethics | Feb. 18, 2015
The Mother and Prenatal Child Protection Act (MPCPA) would protect and support the basis civil rights of women by passing, at the federal level, several provisions from New York's proposed Women's Equity Act. This would include the following:
equal pay for equal work;
removing barriers to remedying gender and "family status" discrimination in hiring and firing
protecting victims of domestic violence;
ending pregnancy and "new mother" discrimination in the workplace.
The MPCPA would go well beyond the proposed New York law, however, and also do the following:
guarantee 21 weeks of paid parental leave;
enact universal pre-kindergarten and give increased subsides for child care;
remove adoption from the for-profit private sector and support campaigns to remove adoption stigma;
coordinate systematic, robust attempts collect child support;
protect and support women at risk from coerced abortions and other violence.
protecting victims of domestic violence;
ending pregnancy and "new mother" discrimination in the workplace.
The Federalist | Jan. 21, 2015
Tomorrow, the annual March for Life will see once again see hundreds of thousands of people descend on Washington (and several other cities) to protest against the systematic and horrific injustice of denying prenatal children equal protection of the law.
Although it will receive almost no substantial national coverage from traditional media, it will be an incredibly diverse gathering of people from every race, language, and way of life. (More)
Background photo by Forstle, via Wikimedia Commons